Thursday, 8 September 2011

aaaa thank you!

You guys!

Oh Emm Gee, thank you for supporting us when we were at Subang Parade on August 28! 
We had so much fun meeting the customers and we are happy to know that whoopie pies are becoming more well-known now!

Yep, they're not macaroons, they're whoopie pies! Oh and we also did sell our a-may-zing brownies that day. :) It was our first time and the response were great! They were all sold out!

So, what brownies did we sell? Red velvet brownies, cheesy swirly brownies and double choc brownies.

Anyways, for this entry, I have inserted a few photos! 


These are our double choc brownies:

And these are our cheesy swirly brownies:

Last but not least, these are our red velvet brownies!

They are not only pretty to look at, they taste awesome as well! 
We are thinking of putting brownies in our menu. However, we are currently pretty occupied.

Will let you guys know soon ya! 
Again, thank you so very much for your support!

Keep supporting!
